Political Violence & Terrorism

The nature of terrorism and political violence dictates that there is always someone who suffers. Businesses, their staff and their customers are no different. The need to protect assets and people, whilst also adequately planning for business continuity and operations, is vital, and therefore is firmly on the risk managers’ radars. Insurance has a pivotal part to play.
Terrorism & Sabotage
Cover is for physical damage, business interruption, contingent business interruption, denial of access, delay in start-up and advanced loss of profit for construction projects.
Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion (SRCC)
Full Political Violence including War on Land
Covering Terrorism, Sabotage, SRCC, War, Civil War, Political Subversion, Concerted Acts and Political Intimidation.
Terrorism Liability
Public Liability and Employers’ Liability
Your Options
All three policy types typically cover property loss or damage and business interruption. They differ, however, in what the underlying cause must be:
- Terrorism insurance typically covers acts of terrorism motivated by political, religious, or ideological purposes.
- Political violence insurance typically covers terrorism and riots, strikes, war, civil war, coup d’états, insurrections, and rebellions.
- Political risk insurance typically covers a broader range of risks related to government actions and instability, including political violence, expropriation of assets, forced abandonment, currency inconvertibility, nonpayment, and contract frustration.